Individual Consciousness - PHILOSOPHICAL MIND


A blog to share ideas and for philosophizing about life, nature and human relations.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Individual Consciousness

Individual consciousness is real freedom, the collective consciousness is the limiting; confuse whoever is going to say that Leave a group would a lack of solidarity, but it is not, the individual human being is a person of good faith, is better prepared to help that another who always likes to live group and conditioned by the impressionability and sensitivity of the social environment.
The individual human being as it is, is more invulnerable therefore is less exposed for its tolerance of adverse feelings own collective minds such as vanity, selfishness and hypocrisy.
Do not confuse a guy who knows an individual with one of those egotistical, vain, segregationist, who feel different, who call themselves "individual" because they think they are of a different class in society, but not to succumb to a process self-improvement, but for reasons banal. Who can not live their now, or make plans to contribute ideas in society, those living only for themselves, is a mistake to call individual these poor people, indeed it is a mistake blunder say that they are free; egotistical people who do not know what is support and solidarity to others; who simply do not care who live more profits to those lack only the tail to be donkeys.
We must repeat again and again, true freedom can not start if no individuality, the individual human being is based on ideals and they may even seem chimeras constructed forms of expression beyond the mediocracy.
Individual consciousness breaks the mold, stereotypical, because it is bold, brings new and fresh in your mind conceives the common social objectives that may seem impossible dreams. A man or a woman with a healthy individual consciousness is a being truly free.

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